Saturday 21 April 2012

Record Store Day

Today is record store day. It's actually ages since I last bought a record. I've actually been trying to pare back my vinyl, but I still go rifling through the records in shops occasionally. Anyway, here's some of my favourite shops.

Flashback on Essex Road is probably my closest record decent record shop. Closest record shop full stop. And it has the best stuff in the basement. I love basement record shops, gives you that feeling of actually unearthing some great music, unheard for the past twenty years.

Haggle, a bit further up the road, is also a good record shop. Although I find myself drawn more to the odd junk antique stuff at the back. Probably just a sign of old age.

Music and Video Exchange, Reckless and Sister Ray on Berwick Street. As there are a few record shops on Berwick Street, it's always worthwhile heading here, but I have to say none of them are particularly too much my taste. A bit too indie, but I have spent a fair whack in each of these shops.

And my favourite record shop in Soho, Sounds of the Universe. I remember I used to spend a lot of time in Soul Jazz records in Ingestre Place I think it was. Then, one day, it was gone. It took me a wee while to realise that it had changed name and location to a block away.

Of course, as I said, I haven't really bought much in the way of records in ages. And the shops I would visit when I was buying a lot, most are closed.

This was where my favourite record shop ever was, Groove Records. It was here that I bought all my Tommy Boy, Tuf City, Next Plateau etc import 12"s. I wasn't living in London then, but would get the bus down from Scotland, and return with whatever I could afford.

Just found this on the internet...ahh, memories. I actually had a collection of record bags from all these places. All thrown out now.

This was where Hitman Records was. It started off great, but went downhill a bit and started getting Soca and Samba and stuff in.

I think this is where Red Records was. Again, started off good, but went a bit too rave-y for me. But was still good.

And here, at 58 Dean Street, was where 58 Dean Street Records was, natch. It was the place to go to for soundtracks.

Not forgetting Vinyl Junkies in Berwick Street, Jazzman Geralds stall in Camden, and so many others that aren't here anymore.  

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