Wednesday 22 August 2012

Roman Mosaic

This really nice mosaic just appeared, hidden away, in the corner of the park over the road.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for these marvelous photos of wonderful work by Tessa Hunkin and the clients of Lifeline. I am sharing with Mosaic Art NOW readers through Facebook. Cheers!

    1. Hi Nancy,

      Thanks for your link!. Yes, I noticed that the mural was done by a Tessa Hunkin, as I wondered whether there was any relation to Tim Hunkin who did a cartoon strip in the Observer when I was a kid, called the Rudiments of Wisdom? It had a similar-ish style, I think? Anyway, yes, it is a great piece, and a real delight to stumble across, as it is kind of semi-hidden away in the corner of Wenlock park, which is a shame but also adds to its charm - a hidden delight. To me, this is certainly what good public art should be - local themes and local artists and craftsmen, not the big bombast of something like the Orbit. Cheers for the comments, Nik.

  3. There's been an additional panel done to the mosaic, so I've added a new post -
